Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Flowers of GMU

This is part II of my GMU experience.  I was surprised to see this many
beautiful colors in and around the campus. Enjoy!


  1. I really like your first shot! Remember the rule of thirds-- try to avoid centering your subject. Try putting it in the right or left third. Experiment a bit by centering the subject in one shot, then putting it to the right or left in the next shot, then compare...

  2. Good stuff! Flowers always make great pictures. Whenever I am uninspired to take pictures, flowers are the old stand by. Even in the wintertime I will buy some orchids or something else just to practice. You know what? My first ten thousand pictures were not my best.
    I like the butterfly landing on the flower. These type pictures are an exercise in patients, as with the bee. Nice pictures! Keep it up.
